
How to Put Stop Loss for Long-term Investments?

The investment market is very versatile; it can be stable, profitable, low-risk, or loss-yielding. It is a rewarding feeling to experience profit in investments, especially when it comes to the stock market. Since the stock market can be deemed the most volatile market, high gains are a huge feat.

However, seasoned professionals and advisory firms like Equentis – Research and RankingResearch and Ranking understand that potential gains bring inherent risks. These risks can be highly unfruitful; loss-making even. This demands a safeguarding or risk management mechanism that protects your long-term investments from any significant losses. 

Stop-loss is one such mechanism!

Stop-Loss: What is it?

Stop-loss is a risk management mechanism or strategy that is used by investors or portfolio management services to put an obstacle between your investment and potentially huge losses. It limits the losses on a particular investment and involves setting a predetermined and designated price level, which stops the loss.

How does it stop the loss? 

When you set a predetermined price in the application, your stocks or securities will be automatically sold if the market price falls below that. It is a safety net that allows investors to safeguard their investments before they fall beyond their financially tolerable threshold. 

What is a Stop-Loss Order?

Instructing When you instruct your broker or profile management services to sell securities or shares once they reach a specified price level it  , this is called a stop order. Your predetermined price level or the limit of your risk tolerance is called the stop price. When the stop price is triggered or , or when your stock reaches this stop price, the stop-loss order will be initiated. 

Once the stop-loss order is initiated according to the market order, your securities will be sold at the prevailing market price. This stop-loss order is important for any investor but , but it is especially   more so  for long-term investments.

How To Put A Stop-Loss On Long-Term Investments?

  1. If you want to implement a stop-loss order for your long-term investment, you must b need to be strategic about it. You will have to identify your risk tolerance. Before you set your stop price, the max limit for a stop-loss order, you should analyze your risk limitthe limit of your risk.
  2. As an investor, you should not underestimate or overestimate your risk tolerance. You must account for your financial goals and time horizon and determine the maximum amount of loss.
  3. Once you determine your stop price, you can inform your profile management services about this stop price and set it into your system.
  4. Once that is set, you must regularly analyze and review your investments. Market conditions and stock market fundamentals can change at any time at any time, so regular reviews are essential.
  5. Considering the prevailing market conditions is paramount since the stock market and all other investment markets are influenced by many economic fundamentals. For example, interest rates change.
  6. Most times, your emotions can play tricks on you. Wanting more is not wrong; however, the hope that the market price will increase and the decision not toto not sell might bounce back at you and put you into a really bad state. Hence, think with your brains, not your heart!
  7. Ensure execution of the stop-loss strategy and then plan well for the next investment for your financial future.


When you incorporate stop-loss into your long-term investment strategy, it protects your financial situation from going downhill and down hill and also safeguards your capital. You or your designated profile management services should identify your risk tolerance and process wisely.

Such technologies have proven to be life-saving when the market exhibits volatility and disturbance. Using these strategies demonstrates volatility and disturbance. Putting these strategies to use will keep your investment, capital, finances, and motivation to invest at par.

We hope you have a good time investing!

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